Flower Remedies
Do you find that Rescue Remedy isn’t working for you anymore?
This usually means that you would benefit from a different combination of flower remedies. Rescue Remedy is made up of 5 different flower remedies but there are 38 different Bach flower essences.
Our state of mind plays an important role in the cause and cure of ailments. Flowers remedies work on the energy level, rather than the physical.
Each flower embodies a certain soul quality. They encourage inner change, and help us accept and work through those traits and emotions that are causing us problems. Once the person feels better emotionally then this can influence their physical symptoms.
If you are feeling anxious, out of sorts, irritable, overwhelmed, exhausted, fearful, discontented, or lacking direction then flower remedies are a gentle way to regain balance and harmony.
A consultation to determine which flower remedies are beneficial for you at this time takes about 30 minutes and costs $55 (if it's a phone consultation shipping the combo bottle to you will be extra). They are safe and natural and are great for adults, children and pets.

There is also a combination available for sleep problems called Sleep Rescue.